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  • Vault Address: dp Gold Coins will store your silver article in a secured vault managed by secured logistics service providers like Brink's, Sequel or BVC. Customer Care will inform you at the time of window delivery planning from which vault the delivery will be made and charges.

    Window Charges: Cost per unit Rs.150/-+GST, + Vaulting Charge after 7 days Rs. 1/- Per Kg + GST (Per Day).

  • Vault Address: dp Gold Coins will store your silver article in a secured vault managed by secured logistics service providers like Brink's, Sequel or BVC. Customer Care will inform you at the time of window delivery planning from which vault the delivery will be made and charges.

    Vaulting Charge: 7 days free, After 7days, Rs.1/- Per Kg + GST (Per Day).